
Seelie Apothecary is currently conducting research in the area of the true and underlying nature of the phenomenon of cellular growth, reproduction/division, and eventual break-down.  This research is being approached from a two-fold perspective, drawing on the original works of Korean researcher Dr. Bonghan Kim, who himself discovered (during the late 1950’s and into the 1960’s) that the bodies of all biological organisms contain a third anatomical micro-vascular system that corresponds closely to the ancient oriental concept of the Meridian system; or, as it is called in the Korean tongue, the Kyungrak System.  Dr. Kim’s original research continues to be conducted today by Dr. Kwang-Sup Soh and associates of the Nano Primo Research Center at Seoul National University in South Korea, with this heretofore unknown third vascular system now being termed the Primo Vascular System.

In addition to drawing directly from Kim’s research, Seelie Apothecary is also looking closely at the work done throughout the latter half of the 19th century by Dr. Antoine Béchamp of France, whose seminal discoveries into the phenomenon of Microzymas (translated into English as ‘tiny ferments’) revealed that all biological/living forms are built up and subsequently broken down by tiny, autonomous living entities (known as ‘microzymas’) which are pleomorphic in nature, meaning that they are able to synthesize together to form the nucleus of all cells, and to undergo morphological changes to form all known bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and molds, with viruses appearing to play a unique, and perhaps as yet undiscovered role in this cycle.  These ‘microzymas’, as Béchamp dubbed them, appear to serve as the prime material units of life matter.  Closely tied to this stream of research are the works of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife of America, Dr. Gaston Naessens of French Canada, and Dr. Günther Enderlein of Germany.

In no uncertain terms, the scientific research being done in these areas reveals wholly new insights into the nature of all forms of biological life, and corrects a great many long-standing errors in the fields of anatomy, physiology, and medicine, up to and including the true nature of cellular formation, growth, and decay, as well as the true nature of genetics.  Seelie Apothecary wishes to draw from this research in an effort to deepen human understanding as to the healing modalities of herbs, as a means of gaining more insight into why it is that herbal remedies work in the ways that they do.

More to come soon, including a library which will make freely available the original works of the researchers listed above…